Thursday, July 14, 2016

I Believe.....

I Believe….

I believe in the power of NOT acknowledging negative energy and moving past anger - focusing forward.

I believe in the power of God who provides for me and oversees my well-being.

I believe in the power of the story behind a 6 Word Memoir.

Today’s NH Literacy Institute class, “Best Practices in Literacy with Technology” joined Linda Reif’s class writing I believe statements and 6 Word Memoirs. We then tweeted these creations in a Tweet Chat.  What an engaging experience filled with laughs, smiles and tears!! I’ve already planned activities for the first week of school  around this venture.

A Mystery Skype with Jen Wentworth from SAU16 was also on the docket. What an incredible and exciting activity.  My mind has been reeling since, devising all the variations I can incorporate into my curriculum next year.

PearDeck. Padlet. Todaysmeet. Blogger. Twitter. Google+. The list goes on. The excitement for next Fall ensues.

I believe in the power of 1:1 technology for teaching reading!

1:1 Technology    I CAN do it!


  1. Lynn, I believe that we can do this! I believe that you have grown this last week. I believe in focusing forward. I believe in the power of story! I believe that I will survive! I believe!

  2. Lynn, I can feel the positive energy and can-do attitude flowing from your fingertips on the keyboard! And your 6 word memoir (intentional or not) says it all: The excitement for next Fall ensues. Your students are lucky to have you seek this PD and bring your knowledge back to them with excitement!
